Preserving tradition with technology
Copyright Vitality Foods Ltd 2010
Frequently Asked Questions - Probiotics
Q: What are lactic bacteria and lactic acid, and what do they do?
A: Lactic bacteria produce lactic acid during fermentation. Lactic acid inhibits the growth of spoilage
agents, thus preserving the food. It also contributes to the taste and texture of the food.
Lactic bacteria also:
Q: What are lactobacilli?
A: Lactobacilli are an important type of friendly bacteria. They play a key role in producing fermented
foods, and are often referred to as probiotic, since they are positive and supportive micro-organisms.
Q: What are intestinal flora?
A: Also known as gut flora, these are micro-organisms that normally live in the digestive tract. They can
perform a number of useful functions, such as boosting the immune system and producing biotin and
vitamin K.
Q: What are friendly bacteria (probiotics)?
A: Raw lacto fermented vegetables are rich in friendly bacteria, also known as probiotics. When
administered in adequate amounts, probiotics are known to confer a number of health benefits,
including helping to prevent gastrointestinal infections, assisting digestion and helping the body
to absorb essential vitamins. Probiotics are sometimes recommended by doctors and nutritionists
after a course of antibiotics, or as part of the treatment for gut-related candidiasis.
- Promote the growth of beneficial intestinal flora (see below).
- Facilitate the break-down and assimilation of proteins.